
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Vamping it up in RED !

I have to say that i have always had a soft spot for Red lipstick. I think Red was the 1st colour lipstick i ever wore as my mum wore it all the time so when i was playing dress up as a little girl i would smudge a big stripe of lippy on and pout in the mirror ha. That coupled with my mums high heels i would try and walk like a lady and sometimes sing into the hairbrush thinking i looked like a diva.

Anyway today I'm pretty much the same. I love high heels, the higher the better and i still have a love for red lipstick. The brighter and more intense the better.
so here's how i wore it yesterday. I was only going shopping but hey who cares:

I am wearing Estee Lauder lipstick in Pure Colour Red Hot.

 I love this lipstick it's so moisturising and creamy and it lasts really well on the lips even with eating and drinking.
 I added some wispy false lashes and kept the eyes simple with MAC naked lunch all over the lid and a touch of satin taupe in the crease line. Clinique liquid liner in black on the top.

 I kept my outfit casual because as much as i love my heels, shopping needs comfy shoes and it was cold so uggs win the battle for comfort I'm afraid.

 This last shot is a little blurry but i still love it as it captures my little man laughing with me.

I have to say though my husband and my friend did look at me a little strange when they saw me wearing this lip colour although nether of them said anything.
What is your view on red lips Yay or Nay?


  1. Yay yay and YAY once more! I love red lips! Why save it for only special occassions...a big red pout can liven up any outfit.

    It's a great colour on you - I love the way you've co-ordinated your outfit as well! Looking fab hun! :)

  2. Gorgeous- I think this really suits you. x

  3. You look amazing! And that is really one very hot red lipstick :)

  4. You look amazing and sophisticated! I try so hard to pull of a red lip, but it is an epic fail for me. :(
    If I looked as good as you in it, I would sport it quite often!


  5. You are just sooo gorgeous!!Yayyyy for rocking red!!!

  6. the lipstick is gorgeous and I like the outfit as well! :)

  7. Thanks ladies, you've all given me a vote of confidence to carry on with the red lippy xxx

  8. Wow! You look amazing sweetie! One hot Mama for sure :mwah:

  9. Gorgeous red lips with natural eyes..I love it..Absolutely gorgeous..

  10. Beautiful! Those wispies look very natural.

  11. i love red lipstick! but I never have the guts to wear it out and about haha. Love this look, suits you nicely!

  12. Love red bow lips =D always make women become sexier =P!

  13. Beautiful!!! I love red. It looks great on you.

  14. Beautiful, it really suits you :) xxx

  15. THe red looks good on you! I still have to have the courage to wear red :/. The picture of you and your son is soo cute!

  16. Wawwwwwwww this red is HOT, and you are gorgeous :)

  17. You look lovely! Red lips are definately a yay from me! Love them!


  18. wow the red looks so good on you! keep rockin' it mama! xx

  19. Love the red lips! You rock them! Don't let the husband and friend discourage you! And your whole outfit is so cute!

  20. I adore red lip sticks but I have never found a shade that suits me :(

    I love the shade you've gone for because I it's just so sophisticated - very 1960s! Oh and cute earrings!

  21. Wow thaks for all your lovely comments ladies, Red is here to stay then ha.
    I have to say whenever i see anyone else in red lipstick i always like it. It always makes me think that they must be confident.
    Red lippy is a take me seriously or else colour xx

  22. Hubba Hubba! Look who's one hot momma! I love the lips! That color flatters you so well. I also love the outfit! A little glamour with a little bit of casual never hurt anyone! This is a for sure do again kinda thing! Lovely!

  23. Love red lips, it really suits you love, you look fab!

  24. I think red lips look fab and it really suits you. I get odd looks when I try it - don't think I can quite pull it off x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx