
Tuesday 5 October 2010

Khaki Chanel copy !

Hi there ladies, I'm afraid today is a really quick post as since returning from holiday both my little Rocco who's just 2 and Chris ( other half ) have both been really poorly so I've been on nurse duty so not had much time for blogging. So sorry for the lack of response and i promise things will go back to normal very soon.

Back to the title. I fell in love with the new LTD Chanel Khaki Vert but i just didn't want to pay that much for 1 polish ( i know i'm tight lol ) Soooo i decided to have a play with some of the colours i already had in the hope of mixing something similar. I wanted this:
I ended up with :

So i know it's not an exact match but it is a khaki green and i have to say I'm feeling rather pleased with myself. It is the perfect colour for all my winter clothes and as it cost me zilch i thought you might be interested in what i used.

Yes it was the ridiculously cheap collection 2000 in mint mojo which i know a lot of other bloggers have. I added creatives black, but i would imagine any black would give the same effect. I also added a tiny amount of acetone to thin the formula down as the collection 2000 was too thick for my liking.
That's it. Obviously add the black in small amounts and mix then test it out to achieve the desired shade.
What do you think?
I applied sally hanson mega shine top coat for a nice glossy finish.
If you want to try this and already have a black polish then you can buy collection 2000 polishes from most boots & superdrug for around £1.99.


  1. Gorgeous! I hear Models Own are coming out soon with some Chanel dupes so super excited for that, they should be fab!


  2. it seems pretty similar to me.. well done..
    I do like the khaki vert as well, but you're right, it's too expensive..I'll wait for the copies :)
    I'm having my first giveaway by the way! nothing special, just a little one to say thank you :D

  3. I did splash out on the Chanel. But, your dupe looks just as good! xx

  4. wow im so going to try this :D xx

  5. Good job girl!!It looks soo pretty!!!

  6. wow that's a really different color looks great on your skin i think it would look to dark on mine , great post !!

  7. WOW, that looks fairly close to me. And at least you'll be the only one with that exact colour! I turned up to work the other day and there were 3 different girls in my department wearing the Chanel polish in Jade :)

    P.S. Hope they feel better soon!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx