
Thursday 23 September 2010

Last minute preps. Sienna X tan, Eyelashes & minx !!!

Hello ! I am so excited and nearly ready for my trip. I thought i would show you girls my last minute preps i had done at the salon.

Nails were Minxed:

Leopard print foils.

Eyelash extensions.

Sienna x spray tan. I choose dark and I'm really pleased with the results, it looks lovely and natural still and no streaks or anything.

Do you girls have any items you recommend to put in my hand luggage. I'm packing as we speak and always seem to forget something so any reminders would be great.

I have written a few little posts for you while I'm away but not many so i will be catching up as soon as I'm back. Yaaaay xx


  1. The nails are beautiful and oh my gosh! Those extensions are awesome! I wish I could get them!

    Have fun on your trip, now that you are extra gorgeous!

  2. Your blog is fabulous. But seriously you are GEORGOUS! I wished i looked like that with no makeup on. Love the eyelashes. xoxo

  3. ah thankyou girls xx
    Tina you are really sweet, i only look half decent because of the lashes and spray tan. I don't normally look that healthy with no make up on lol xx

  4. Love the lash extensions and the Minx...I miss my lash extensions :-(

  5. ahh have fun! You will fit right in with the leopard nails - i love them! x

  6. your eyelashes look gorgeous! xx

  7. The lash extensions look fab! Hope you have a great trip x

  8. Thanks everyone the minx cost £15 the eyelashes £30 and so a lot cheaper than a lot of places :)

  9. wow your look gorgeous chick...have the best time ever and make sure you take lots of photos for us.xxxx

  10. You look beautifully tanned! I need to try thay product.
    Enjoy your trip, sweetheart! I am gonna miss your posts and kind comments.

  11. My mum is a nail technician, and at the salon she owns she has a bundle of different Minx designs; I can spend hours ooh-ing at them! :)


  12. Wow the nails are gorgeous and the lashes are amazing.
    I am waiting for Lilash, I can't wait, my lashes should look like that in a few months.

    Hope you really enjoy yourself gorgeous, can't wait to ehar all about it:)

  13. Have a great time with your husband sweetie and come back for more blog posts, we'll miss you! :) xxx

  14. Love the nails, eyelashes and the tan! Hope you have a fab holiday!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx