
Wednesday 15 September 2010

Illamasqua Welcome to the Darkside !!!!

 Hello Ladies I was lucky enough to be sent 2 of the new products from Illamasqua Art Of Darkness collection. Now i happen to really love Illamasqua products, i love the fact that they push the boundaries when it comes to makeup and always seem to come up with new and exciting launches.
The art of darkness is a full on impact collection with some gorgeous deep mysterious shades to offer both the professional makeup artist and the everyday consumer.

I have to say my favourite products from this collection are the nail polishes

The 2nd polish in this row is named Viridian and has to be a definite favourite priced at £13 it should be a popular choice this autumn/winter
Or you could get the whole set for £39.50. I would love to try these colours out they all look stunning.

So anyway i was sent a lipstick in Disciple which is a deep navy almost black colour which has a very matte finish.

Also i received the liquid metal in Resolute which is a deep russet colour with a beautiful high shine finish. This product is multi functional and can be used on eyes, lips, face & body.


These products gave me the inspiration to try out a look way out of my comfort zone, but it's the perfect range to have a play with and do something different. So here's what i came up with:

Liquid metal on eyes

These are the photos untouched showing the real colours but i decided they would look good in black and white instead.

So that's my take on the collection
I hope you like it xx


  1. Wow Nic, you look stunning even with blue lipstick on! ahahah
    Have you tried the navy lipstick on the eyes? The liquid metal is really cute...have you tried it on the cheeks?
    I'm really looking forward to receiving my products too. This collection is great!

  2. Gorgeous look and great products!! =D

  3. Ah thanks so much Lydia, i was a bit nervous to post these photos as it's not my usual thing and your opinion means a lot :)
    Today is the first time i have tried these products out. I did think about applying the blue lipstick to my eyes but went for the safe option if you can call it that lol.
    I agree great collection xx

  4. The blue lipstick rules, i think that it could amazing as base for another colour of for a lipgloss or liptar... wow!
    Very nice look

  5. Wow you look gorgeous liek that! Dark lipsticks really suit you and I think you actually look a lot like Monica Bellucci in those pictures, especially the black and white ones:)

  6. You look amazing, like a heroine from a black and white silent movie! X

  7. Thanks so much girls.
    NATS i had never heard of Monica Bellucci before and just looked her up. That's one serious complement hun, she's beautiful. You are too sweet xx

  8. Wow you look stunning! The eye colour really suits you and it is nice, the lipstick certainly is out there! Not really something for everyday but wow!

  9. wow your hair is rocking here! it suits you very nice xx

  10. Wow you lucky the lipstick..what an usual color...what does it look like with gloss over??? i no its meant to be matt...The bottom photo of you is should be your new profile pic xx

  11. wow you even look great with blue lips! i love it you look so gorgeous :) xxxx

    therez a kim kardashian pics that has the same kind of look
    i loved it ,, and unfortunately ,, we still dont have Illamasqua in our Sephora ,, BOO =(

  13. I am OBSESSED with Illamasqua - Everything from the nail polish to blush to fake eyelashes to lipstick. Every single piece of the line is AMAZING.

  14. Really beautiful, seductive look ! And just in time, Illasmasqua has FINALLY come to Australia ;-D


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx