
Saturday 11 September 2010

The dredded dregs of MAC

Just a little post. What do you do with the last little bits of gloss? These three glosses are old but still look and smell good. As you can see the MAC logo has worn off. I find it so hard to use up the last quarter of my glosses. Do you use every last drop or do you back to mac them when they look this bad? Any thoughts?


  1. Couldnt you add them all together to make a new shade??? xx

  2. I dont think id be able to pour them out they are too sticky hun x

  3. I usually go back for more when they are getting too low but I like pinkhairs idea! xx

  4. oh ok...can you cut the top off them and buy some of those little round containers with lids and stack them together and use a lip brush!!! x

  5. Thats a good idea thanks hun xx

  6. or actually you could put them all together to make a new color..i think i will do the same actually..good idea x

  7. Michelle phan (make up guru) puts hers standing up in a mug of boiling water and then you can use them like that, say if you want to use it straight away, or you can pour them into something xx

  8. Why dont you heat them in water to make them a bit more runny and useable? :) xx

  9. Koren on youtube said you can take the little stopper bit out of the top so the applicator can reach the bit at the bottom, youve just got the hassle then of having a load of gloss on your wand :/

  10. I am with Alice, I scrape and scrape too. If I really like the gloss.
    I thought MAC had finished their *Back to Mac* scheme, so I'd thrown out some things,and then they told me it was still on!! Argh!

    But yes- scraaapppe!

  11. thanks for all your suggestions, i think i will warm them up and por inyo little pots then i can back to mac them :) xx

  12. I never even thought about the first suggestion posted here. I agree with her! Definitely try to make a new shade using that. That's probably really fun and interesting. Show us the results! I'm gonna steal that idea and use it on some of my old glosses.


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx