
Thursday 30 September 2010

Viva Las Vegas !

Hi Girls, thanks so much for all your lovely comments while i've been away. Vegas has been a fantastic holiday but all that travelling has taken it's toll so i'm easing myself back in gently. Here's a few snaps which i took while away. The weather was over 100 degrees everyday so it was very little makeup for the day time and shorts and vests.
There was so much to do and see that we figured we must of walked for nearly 10 miles everyday. I need another holiday to get over this one lol.
I have missed my blogging friends though and have been itching to get on a computer. So heres a little look :

  I hope you lovely ladies are all ok and i can't wait for a good catch up with you all xxx

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Help me out !!!

Tommorrow i am coming home. I thought it would be nice if any of you girls would like to add a link in the comments for your favourite post of the week.!
It could be yours or someone elses. That way i can have a read when i get back to see all the good things i've missed. xx

Monday 27 September 2010

bags of shopping !

Just before i went away i hit the shops and got myself a few little bits. I thought you might like a little nosey into what i purchased:
By the way i didn't go out to get these but you know what it's like, you see something and buy it then you are on a roll and before you know it you have too many bags ( literally)

I saw this bag and knew instantly it would match these shoes that i brought in the next sale a while ago perfectly so of course i had to have it.

Then i spotted this red bag. I love red and i have a pair of boots which again match it perfectly. I don't have a red bag and thought this would be great for winter.

Then i spotted this silver bag. Can you see where this is going lol. I recently threw my silver bag away as it was looking tatty and this looked so cute that i thought well why not. ( ooops )

I forced myself away from the bags as there were quite a few others that i liked but 3 in one day is a bit much.

I then went to new look and found these skinny combat jeans and i really don't have a lot of trousers so picked these up i think they were £24.99 so not too bad and they are really comfy.

I found this slouchy leopard top in TK Max and the fabric is soooo soft i paid just £16.99 for it. It's long enough to wear with leggings too so great for winter.

This dress looks nothing on the hanger but its beautiful on. The back has a deep v cut so it's a little bit sexy but still very ladylike. I got this for Vegas from one of my favourite market stalls. It was only £24

Last but not least i picked up this pretty necklace from New look. I don't buy a lot of things like this but it caught my eye and at only £3.99 who could resist.

Sunday 26 September 2010

£1 shop deal of the day and va va voom!

I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw this gosh foundation mousse in the £1 shop. It looked a little dark but as i knew i was having a spray tan before i went away i decided to buy it anyway.

I am so pleased i did. The formula feels so light on your skin, it almost drys to a powder finish and it photographs really well. It matched my skin perfectly once i'd been sienna x sprayed. It's got to be the best £1 I've spent lol. Keep your eyes peeled for this in your local shops.

I also spotted sally Hanson non acetone polish remover. kwik off.

If you haven't tried this before you will be amazed. Inside is a sponge soaked in remover. You just pop a finger inside the tub twist it and the polish is instantly removed. It saves so much time. I had run out so was so pleased to spot this for £1.

I just thought I'd show you a close up of my makeup with yet again the naked palette, i love the way you don't need mascara with the eyelash extensions.

I thought I'd try these rollers out which i purchased the other day from boots.

I only added a few to the top section of my hair and added a little hairspray. Heated with the hair dryer and left them in for 15 mins.

It has added a little va va voom but not as much as i wanted. I think i need to apply some more product and leave them in for longer next time.
Hope you are all great and let me know what you think of the gosh foundation bargain xx

Saturday 25 September 2010

Midnight cowboy !

Hi there my fellow bloggers as some of you know i purchased this little palette a few weeks ago so decided to have a little play.

The colour i was most interested in was the famous Midnight cowboy.
I have heard so many mixed reports that i decided to see what the fuss was all about and try it out for myself.

So midnight cowboy went on the lid and stray dog in the crease with oil slick as a liner.
The midnight cowboy is so so glittery but you can buff it out a little so its not so full on. The camera just does not do any of these colours justice but it is VERY glittery. If you don't like glitter then this is a pointless shadow for you but for me i really like it.
Yes it's not a colour i would wear everyday but it does catch the light beautifully and would make a stunning highlighter if you are after a full on glammed up look.
I'm glad i purchased this palette and next time will be trying out the flipside which looks really cool.
As you can see from a distance it actually looks really natural when blended out.  xx

Friday 24 September 2010

CND Bold collection

I just adore CND polishes so i was super excited to get this new collection. If you haven't heard of CND before then i would seriously try and get hold of one of these polishes as they give all the other brands a run for there money when it comes to formula, lasting power and serious shine.
So take a look at this vampy colour in Dark ruby:
This is 2 quick coats no top coat. This will be my favourite colour this winter I'm guessing.

This is the same polish on my thumb with one of the special effects glazes over the top.
Crimson sparkle.

As you can see the effects look pretty similar and nothing special in the bottles but when applied on top of the polish it totally transforms the look.

Raspberry Parfait A shocking fuscia colour that would be fab on toes.

Fireberry, A classic red which never dates.

The kit contains the three colours and three different special effects including Lavender pearl, copper shimmer and crimson sparkle.
Because of the 3 different effects you can mix and match to get so many different finishes out of one colour and of course you can apply them over your own polishes too.
I will be using these a lot as the quality is amazing and my polish stays on at least 3 days even without a top coat.
CND are available from professional nail salons.
PS sorry about the poor application but i was so excited to show you that i had to rush as i didn't really have time.
I would love to know if you ladies have tried these or any other shades from CND ???

Thursday 23 September 2010

Last minute preps. Sienna X tan, Eyelashes & minx !!!

Hello ! I am so excited and nearly ready for my trip. I thought i would show you girls my last minute preps i had done at the salon.

Nails were Minxed:

Leopard print foils.

Eyelash extensions.

Sienna x spray tan. I choose dark and I'm really pleased with the results, it looks lovely and natural still and no streaks or anything.

Do you girls have any items you recommend to put in my hand luggage. I'm packing as we speak and always seem to forget something so any reminders would be great.

I have written a few little posts for you while I'm away but not many so i will be catching up as soon as I'm back. Yaaaay xx

Wednesday 22 September 2010

It's Award time !!!

This last week i have overwhelmed by my lovely readers and the fact that some of you gorgeous girlies have decided to pass these awards onto me.
When i started blogging it was just to pass a bit of time and talk about girly things so my friends could stop being so bored of my daily ramblings but i have found so many like minded people and wish I'd started years ago.
So Thank you so much to my lovely girls, You all seem so sweet with your thoughtful comments and i am so grateful that you seem to like my little blog xxx
First award from the lovely sherrie at mirror mirror on the wall

The rules of this award are-

1. once you receive this award you must post a picture on your blog that is special to you and state why it is special
2. you must post this award on your blog and thank the lovely person who gave you this award
3. and last of all...pass this award on to 5 lovely followers of your choice in appreciation of their follow

This was an easy one for me my very special photo is here:

This is me & my mum just sat in my lounge chilling out together. It was not a particularly special day but we were laughing as usual about something or other. Mum always had a great sense of humour. She sadly passed away in Feb 2009.
Mum was my best friend, a constant support and i miss her so much, but i am so glad i have photos to keep her beautiful memory alive.

I hope you don't mind but i'm just going to pass these awards on to 1 blogger. The blogger i choose is:

The gorgeous Sabina at Make up addict If you do not already follow Sabina then you don't know what you are missing, her blog is full of amazing FOTD i find her blog so inspiring.

 My 2nd award is from  cheeky beauty 
Thank you hunny, The rules of this award is that I have to write 7 UN-known things about myself, and then pass the award onto 5 other bloggers.
( Again going to naughty and pass it on to one)
  1. I snore really bad. My husband actually recorded it on his mobile phone as i didn't believe him and i shocked myself. I sound like i'm taking off lol.
  2. I love salsa dancing and salsa music, i don't go anymore because there is nowhere near me but i just love it.
  3. My favourite sweets as a child was dib dabs can you remember them the little packs of sherbert with a swizzle stick. Yum
  4. I much prefer to stay in and have a takeaway than go out and get drunk.
  5. I am a sales addict. If something is on sale i have to buy it as i think it's a bargain. I brought some ink catriges for the computer the other week as they were so cheap and they dont even fit our printer. My husband thinks i'm nuts when i say but it was a bargain. :)
  6. I want to grow old discrasefully, life is for living, i never want to look back on life and think i wish i had tried ???
I need so much sleep, if i don't get at least 10 hrs i'm really grumpy.

I would love to pass this award to Princess Fefe 
Fefe has an amazing blog she deserves the beautiful blogger award as she is such a beautiful girl both inside & out. I wish i had been that mature at her age. I'm sure you will of seen her blog but if not then make sure you follow as it's fab and that girl can talk lol xx

This award was given to me by

Thanks so much it's so sweet of you xx
The rules:
1) Save the image above and post it to your own blog
2) Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers
3) Link the nominees
4) Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.

I want to pass this on to Angie pink  this blog is another of my favourites and angie is a real sweety who regularly comments on others blogs and always seems such a sweet person.

Last but definately not least is my award for a blog with substance.
Rule are as follows:

1. Thank the blogger who gave me the award.
Thanks so much hun, i am so happy to recieve these lovely awards. Make sure you have a look at this blog
Simply me

2. Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five words
Honesty, respect, humour, beauty, friends

3. Pass this on to 10 other bloggers that you feel have a substance in their blogs.

The lovely blogger i would like to pass this on to is The girly blog
A brilliant blog which covers so many topics, a great read and definately a blog with substance. xx