
Friday 27 August 2010

Models own order & my polish collection

So ladies, my models own order has arrived. It came in just two days which is really good as the 50% discount means they have been super busy so i thought the delivery might have taken a little longer. I did not put in a huge order as I'm trying to cut down on spending but at half price i just couldn't resist.

I have to say i am really pleased with this little order and couldn't wait to swatch them for you guys.

This is 2 quick coats. I love how vibrant these shades are and really easy to apply. They also seem to dry pretty quick which is always a bonus as i never have much time to let them dry.

since i started blogging i have been wearing polish on my nails all the time and it has made a huge difference to them. My nails were always breaking before but the polish is obviously making them stronger and my nails have never been this long before.

Champagne, i love this colour its so shimmery i think i will wear this one a lot.

Pink fizz, the coverage is not great but i think after 3 coats it will be a lot better. It is a lot more glittery and pretty in real life. I think this will look great as a top coat layered over the champagne.
I will also try a glitter tip look with this one.

I decided to wear Fuzzy peach as i have been wanting this shade for a while.

So on to a quick glimpse of my polish collection. I thought you might like a little nosey of the types of colours i like.
I store my nail varnish in a vanity case with pull out drawers which they just about all fit into. ( at the moment )

The top layer holds my brights.

The 2nd layer holds my french colours.

The 3rd layer holds my reds, blacks, and darker colours.

Nudes, browns and golds are in the bottom as well as my  base coats and lots of various top coats.

If anybody wants to see swatches of any of my polishes just ask.
 I think my collection is quite small and no doubt i will be buying a few nice colours for Autumn.


  1. Love your collection!
    Fuzzy Peach looks gorgeous, I've been lusting after it for a while but have no money! That's why it's hard to see all these amazing half price Models Own orders haha x

  2. Such a big collection!
    I love them all!

  3. lovely collection... i wish i had as many colors as you!! I also love your blog!!!

    Best Wishes


  4. Great collection - love those bright colours! x

  5. great collection! can you do a review on some creative polish? Thanks!

    <a href=">Confessions of a Beautyholic</a>

  6. Beauty Addict I certainly will do a review of a creative polish x

  7. fuzzy peach is gorgeous.. absolutely gorgeous! :-)

  8. woow love them all
    and i want all of the models own colors ! super cool !

  9. OMG what a lovely collection! :-D So jealous! ;-)

  10. WOW, I thought I had a nail varnish've blown me out of the water lady! I've not bought models own before but that pink looks amazing - I may have to get one! x

  11. I didnt really think i had that many as i had a lot more a few years ago and got rid of loads. I guess they soon build up again.
    Thanks for all your comments ladies xx

  12. oOooO I love the models own n/p's!! I wanna get some now... ugh!! gotta save up for those... btw, where did u get ur's?? is the 50% off discount still goin?? great collection!! I should do a post on my itty bitty collection... =)

  13. Wow thats some collection..i think i spotted one of my fav polishes China Glaze Ruby pumps..i just love that...I think i must invest in some models own polish..i love every color you bought!!!! x

  14. awesome collection! i wish mine was as good as yours lol. love all the colours!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :) and it's ok about not being able to follow, my computer does it all the time!

  15. Great collection, The sleek polish, did that come as thefree gift when you subscribed to Glamour? It looks like the one in the pic.
    I subscribed over 2wks ago and still havent recieved my free gift :(

    I think I need to get all my polishes out and sort them out :)

    Sher x

  16. OMG!I am LOVING your polish collection!especially the bright colors! I wanna get some Models Own for myself now!xoxo

  17. Love your collection! I think your Elf polish (french shelf) has seen better days ;)


  18. You have such pretty nails!! :) I love Fuzzy Peach on you! ;)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx