
Friday 6 August 2010

I have to say that i am not a huge lip balm fan but this has to be one of my favourite products especially when the weather is warmer and i want a nice fresh look.

 This lip balm feels so fresh and creamy and leaves my lips feeling smooth and soft. The colour is Cerise fouettee 05.
The balm has a gorgeous sweet fragrance that makes me want to lick my lips as it smells divine and the texture is not sticky. You can also build the colour up by applying more or less and it also looks really pretty over a lipstick.
This product is now discontinued but you can still bey it here for just £10.50
Do you have a favourite coloured balm?


  1. wow thats awesome color <3 i love it ..

  2. I didn't even know about this product! Maybe because it has been discontinued... But it looks amazing!

  3. This looks really cool, i must try it too :-)


  4. Its a great product why do they always make the best things limited?????

  5. that looks really pretty on you gurl!


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx