
Tuesday 10 August 2010

Easy outfit & my Budda.

Wow, the holidays are going so fast this time round i love the lazy mornings without rushing around for school its great to be able to take some time and chill out. Yesterday i took the kids with me for food shopping and they were both really good which is amazing considering the shops were packed it was boiling hot and Rocco was ready for a sleep.
I did feed him sweeties as we went round though lol.
Now the dress i have on is one of those dresses that i will keep forever. It's so easy to throw on and the fabric is really cool. Its so comfy as well.
I even wear it when the weather turns colder with a cardi and leggins or jeans. I bundled my hair up and added some slightly smokey eyemake up.

Now what has the budda got to do with anything???? Well one day i was out shopping and i spotted a big budda and i instantly fell in love with it. I always tell my kids if you rub his belly he will bring them them good luck.
My 2 year old prefers to rub his bald head though for some reason. So heres a few snaps of us playing about before we went out.

He's not crying thats his biggest grin for the camera bless him.

Me & my boys. I love this photo XX




    i love your boys ,, may god bless them and protect them ,, =D

    and u look super lovely ,, loving the Dress ,,

    But seriously ,, if i had a baby girl ,, i would totally make her get married to that cuteeeee tanned boy <3

  2. You look gorgeous Nicoletta, dress is fab,where's the hairband from?

    Your boys are absolute angels, they're SOOO cute. Good taste too Tickle me Elmo's the best ;)

  3. Princess Feef, thanks hun for your lovely words, if you have a little girl i will put in a good word lol. He always has girls knocking at the door for him already it makes me laugh. X

    Dollface, i got the headband in the sale from Mattalan i think i only paid £2 for it. I got it really for my holiday as i have a leopard print bikini and thought it would go well with it.
    I love the top rocco is wearing too. He says mummy i want to wear tickle top. I have to wash it quick so he can wear it the next day lol x

  4. Make up and dress look fab!
    The last picture is so cute!
    Yummy mummy for sure! :D


  5. Gorgeous dress and how cute are your boys!!

  6. Aw bless!! Snaps I've a leopard print bikini too!! I tagged you for an award over on my blog if you wanna check it out!

  7. you and your boys are gorgeous, bless :)

  8. You're such a glam Mum! Gorgeous kids, you must be so proud! x

  9. Awh, what a cute post! Love your outfit too!!

  10. Oh man if you went grocery shopping in that cute get-up I feel like such a slacker mamma! I love the sandals. Those are really trendy right now.

  11. The pictures are very cute :)
    Oh yeah and apparently rubbing a Buddha's head is also good luck from what I've been told! x

  12. ohh your boys are so cute!! i'm loving your headband xx

  13. Oh i didnt know rubbing a buddas head was meant to bring good luck too. Thanks for all your sweet comments ladies xx

  14. Hi new follower here!

    I love your outfit. I want those shoes!

  15. I love that outfit! It looks so comfy and trendy, the accessories add a lot to it too :)


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx