
Saturday 17 July 2010

OOTD Girly casual day

As the title suggests i just wanted to share my outfit of the day from a few days ago. I love shopping and walking about with my little one but its really hard to look girly without the maintenance of heels accessories etc and uncomfy outfits. This is a no go for me i need to be comfortable but i still want to look nice.
So i tried something different, i don't normally wear skirts except when I'm out in the evening but i felt really comfy in this and think its about time i started wearing more of the things i have in my wardrobe.
Do you think this outfit is too short for everyday? I 'm happy for honest answers ladies lol x

I tried to keep my makeup simple and girly and added a plain flower in my hair

Some natural looking falsies, you know how i love my fake lashes.

Just a close up of my nails China Glaze Wagon Trail. It looks messy in the photo but i thought it shows the colours well.

What do you wear when you want to be comfy but still look good?


  1. I love your make-up, gorgeous! I think a short skirt is fine in the summer, you look great! x

  2. Thankyou hun, i love your style i am not great at putting everyday clothes together but learning lots from all you other bloggers x

  3. Your eyelashes are amazing! Love the eye make up!! The skirt is really pretty you've gorgeous legs so might as well flaunt them ;)

  4. It is a great outfit! I know what you mean about comfy and looking nice, I used to live in heels for everything. It wasn't so much the actual walking in them but the clip clopping that really got to me. It was horrible walking around, I felt really aware of the clip clopping noise marking my arrival before I had even entered the room!

  5. Love your ootd and your makeup, you're gorgeous ;)

  6. I love the makeup! :) I generally don't like such short skirts, but hey you got great legs!! ;)


  7. The makeup looks fab and I love the outfit, not too short at all. You have fab legs and wearing flats makes it nice and casual.

  8. Thankyou ladies, i'm glad you think it looks ok, i'm 35 now so dont think i can get away with the skirts for too much longer lol. x
    Essjay23X I know what you mean about heels. I only wear them on a night out or if i dont have to walk anywhere lol.
    Before i had children i lived in heels and did not own 1 pair of flats, its amazing how things have changed now. x

  9. You look soo pretty, those eyelashes look lovely too! xxx

  10. you're never too old to show off great legs! beautiful :) x


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx