
Friday 23 July 2010

I won a giveaway Yaaaaaaay Heavy Photos Warning

Thankyou so much to girl in the city who has an amazing blog go check it out. I was over the moon to win these goodies and cant wait to use them. The lovely card and handwritten note was such a lovely touch and if you are wondering where the piggy sweets are ????? Rocco got to them before me lol.
Sweets before breakfast Mmmmmmm ( what a bad mummy )

They were too yummy so we had to share 1 or 2. Look at the evil eye he is giving me for pinching one.

Go away mum and let me eat them in peace.
Ahhhhhhh Get off me mum (  you get the picture )

Thanks again for the beautiful prizes and hope you all like the photos xx


  1. Congrats on the win!
    + You have a beautiful child,he is so precious!

  2. Congrats ;)
    Your son is gorgeous :)

  3. Woohoooo congrats!! awww your son is so cute!! :)


  4. Yay congrats! Rocco is a cutie too :)

  5. congracts ! love the pictures you and yoiur son are both gorgeous :) :) such a little cutie Rocco is :) :) xx

  6. Irrelevant to this post, but I've given you the I Heart Your Blog Award on my blog, check it out if you want! :)


  7. Thanks girls & Glad you liked the pics, i am lucky to have 2 lovely boys, i dont post many photos of my eldest son as he is usually at school when i'm taking photos for the blog but school hols have started so i will be able to take some.
    STAVROULA thankyou very much for the award hun its really sweet xx
    GIRL IN THE CITY Thanks again sweety and glad you saw this post. My parcel really cheered up my morning xx

  8. Aw well done on the win lovey! Your boy is gorgeous! xxxx


Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx