
Sunday 25 July 2010

E.L.F Desert Haze Polish & TIPS for a yummy mummy

I recently got a few of the E.L.F nail polishes and am so pleased with the results of these. I adore this colour. For me this is the perfect taupe. I am quite olive skinned and some taupe's look a bit yucky on me but this is just gorgeous. I applied two thin coats which is ideal as i don't like to wait too long for them to dry. I have recently grown my own nails and so am having great fun trying out different polishes.

Now onto a different subject. Children. I often have people say to me they don't know how i have time to do my makeup, paint my nails etc when i have 2 children. The answer to that is cheat.
I think we all put so much pressure on ourselves as mums to be the perfect mum, to breast feed, to take the children to play group, to make home made dinner every night, to dress them perfectly, to be the perfect wife, friend, lover. To lose weight and be just as thin after children as before, to look gorgeous, full makeup tan etc all the time. Keep the house spotless, read bedtime stories every night and wear high heels all day.
No body can do all that and still be sane so i do what i can, when i can and that will do for me. The most important thing is to keep yourself happy and that will rub off onto your family. When i am miserable so is everyone else in my house.
I have days where i wear no makeup, old jeans and t shirt, greasy hair, hairy legs ( you get the picture )
I have days where the washing is so high i worry if it falls over there will be an earthquake.
I have days when KFC , crisps and chocolate are the only the only things i can think of for dinner ( those days are rare)
What i'm trying to say is i'm normal. I refuse to spend my time worrying that i'm not perfect.

But most of the time i love being being a mum and keeping myself looking nice keeps me happy. These are my tips for combining mummy & beauty:

1. Showers are a god send. Put toys in the bottom of the shower and put little ones in with you. I did this from the time my son could sit up. He loves it. The sooner they get a feel for water the better and you can have a nice shower that takes longer than 3 mins.

2. Face masks. Apply a face mask and then play being a dinosaur or a monster for 10 mins while it sets this keeps little ones amused and gives the mask time to set.

3. Save painting nails for when little ones are in bed and use a fast dry top coat just in case. I tuck little ones into bed then make a nice cuppa then sit down for 20mins paint my nails drink cuppa and really enjoy the peach and quiet.

4.Enjoy the sunshine. Get yourself a tan in the garden but keep little ones heads covered, and lots of high factor sun block in the shade.

5. Keep cosmetics, nail polish etc out of reach as much as possible to avoid multicoloured kids.

6. Give kids there own baby cream in small amounts they love putting it on themselves while you apply your own cream it keeps them busy and makes them nice and soft too.

7. Have at least 1 evening a week when kids are in bed to pamper yourself. Sod the ironing it will still be there tomorrow.

8. Set your alarm at least 30mins before kids usually get up if you want to look particularly nice that day. It's amazing how much you can get done in half hr without children.

9. Don't worry when you look a mess, your children will always think you are the most beautiful woman in the world.

10. Always give tonnes and tonnes of kisses and cuddles. Children who feel loved and secure want less attention leaving you more time.

These are the things that work for me and while i am still learning i thought it might be a useful post to someone out there. xx


  1. this is a lovely post :) , i dont have children myself yet but id feel so lucky if you were my mum, you sound so caring and loving.
    On the subject of e.l.f polishes ... i found all the light ones are too thin and always need more than two coats :( but i have darker colours like plum and i i love them , what do you think? xxx

  2. I love this polish too! It's a perfect colour for everyday x

  3. Ooohh i like this post a lot! I didn't realise you could put bambino in the shower but I'm going to remember this tip! xxx

  4. gorgeous nail polish! and im far too young to be a mother but these sound like great tips wwhich ill definitely store in the back of my mind :)

    thanks for commenting btw! <33

  5. Awwwwww you must be a great mom!! :) And I like the way you think, yes we are women, we can do many things at the same time, but we're not robots, we can't do everything perfectly! I don't have any chilren yet, but I'm keeping your tips for the future! :)

    "5. Keep cosmetics, nail polish etc out of reach as much as possible to avoid multicoloured kids." -> that was hilarious LOOOOL!!!


  6. Thanks for your comment! I love that you used butterflies for your wedding too :)

    Those are really great tips and I will have to keep them in mind when I have children one day!

  7. This is the second blog post I have seen about this polish tonight - I LOVE it... and may have to order it online.

  8. FashionableAddict thankyou hun, yes i agree the polish could do with a 3rd coat really but i find the ELF polishes dry quite fast so it doesnt put me off. I dont really have any of the darker shades to compare. X

    Sprinkleofglitter i did not realise either but a good friend who has 2 children told me about this and she simply said, well the water runs down in a shower not up lol. I always adjust the temperature so its slightly cooler than normal because obviously you dont want it too hot for a baby.
    This was the best tip i ever learned and has made my routine so much easier. x

  9. Stavroula thankyou hun, the multicoloured kids bit is funny but true, i cant tell you the amount of times i have had to scrub faces after they got into my makeup collection. I've also had a tube of eyelash glue squeezed all over the new bedding ( ruined )
    Oh yes and the table legs painted with red nail polish. x

  10. thats a nice nude color =) looks great on u .

  11. @nicoletta ouch, poor girl!! When I was a kid, I took my mom's red lipstick and painted their bed, their walls, their floor... and I'm still alive!!! LOOOOOOOOL!!!!



Thankyou for all your comments, i appreciate each and everyone xx